Im 39 weeks of pregnancy. Up to now my belly is very high and i dont have any braxton contractions. Is it normal? May be i can stimulate somehow the contractions. Why the baby is high so far?
Waiting for your advice.
Thanks in advance
Jane Us
Клиника «Мать и дитя» Кунцево:
There are several reasons why is your belly is so high. One of them is that baby is in breech position. The other one is that baby is too large. Ultrasound investigation can clarify the reasons in most cases. If there are no factors found according to ultrasound it may mean that this uterine size is normal for you.
Absence of breaxton contractions at 39 weeks is not a pathological sign. Some women have them, some not. We don't normally stimulate contractions until after complete 41 weeks. You are 39-week pregnant now. So, you have 2 weeks to wait spontanious start of dlivery process. If it doesn't happen within next two weeks, you should go to see your doctor to discuss a need for delivery stimulation.
Hope, this answer will help you.
Alexandra V. Borisova MD., Ph. D.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if any further questions come up.